
The Pure Challenge – Week 2

May 11, 2015


This week is Week 2 of Pure Barre McLean’s Weekly Mini Goals May Series! Week 2: May 10th – May 16th Nutrition Goal: Try a new fruit or vegetable Fitness Goal: Workout 7 days this week (even if it is just for 20 minutes!)   Want to spice up your family’s diet while keeping it healthy and easy? Try adding a new fruit or veggie this week! Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables will help give your family all of the vitamins and minerals we need throughout the day. Most people choose the same 10-15 staple foods every week. This week try to change up your go-to items and try a vegetable you have never had.   Not sure how to add in a workout between juggling kids, work and all other aspects of your everyday life? Try going on a quick walk and have your kids join you. Or head to the playground to get your heart rate up and body moving! More movement = a happier you and family!   -Kalen Winter Pure Barre McLean- Co-Owner