

Our Military Kids provides activity grants for children and teens during a parent’s National Guard or Reserve deployment or combat-injury recovery.



Our Military Kids offers grants up to $300 per eligible child, per grant to pay for extracurricular activities for children ages 1-18.

  • OMK's Deployed Program is for children of deployed and stateside activated National Guard and Reserve service members, and
  • OMK's Combat Injured Program is for children of service members and Veterans from any service branch who is receiving treatment for post-9/11, combat-related wounds or illnesses.


Our Military Kids provides grants for all kinds of sports, fine and performing arts, camps, tutoring, driver's education, high school band trips, STEM programs, and more! Daycare fees, school tuition, and mission trips are not eligible.

Our Military Kids has never turned away an eligible child. 

Our online applications ensure accuracy and better protect your personal information.

A separate application must be submitted for each eligible child for each activity (to be paid to one activity provider/organization).

Once your child's application is approved, an award packet will be mailed to your home address filled with goodies such as dog tags, a patch, and a personalized award certificate. Your child's grant check, made payable to the activity provider, will also be inside the award packet so that you may hand-deliver it to the activity provider / organization. 

Please familiarize yourself with the details and required documents of each program below before applying. 

Grant approvals are always subject to the availability of funds.

Deployed National Guard and Reserve Families

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The child or teen is ages 1 to 18 OR not yet a high school graduate.
  • Service member parent/guardian is serving in the National Guard or Reserve and is deploying or being activated on a stateside mission for 90 days or more.
  • For overseas or stateside missions of 90-179 days (cumulative within 12 months), each service member’s child is eligible for one (1) grant up to $300 for one (1) extracurricular activity to start before the service member returns home.
  • For overseas or stateside missions of 180+ days (cumulative within 12 months), each child is eligible for two (2) grants up to $300 each for the same or different activities, each to start before the service member returns home. Each grant requires a separate application.
  • The following are not eligible: activations for AGR or ADOS assignments, PCS orders, MANDAYS missions, trainings, and stateside activations for greater than two (2) years concurrently in the service member’s home state.

Required documents to upload with your application: 

  • A copy of the official mobilization, deployment, or contingency exercise deployment (CED) orders that show that the child’s parent/guardian is deployed with the National Guard or Reserve for at least 90 days. *Please redact the social security number prior to uploading.* 
  • One of three forms of child identification – either:
    • 1) a copy of the completed Form 1172, Application for Uniformed Services Identification (DEERS Form), OR
    • 2) a copy of the child’s birth certificate if he/she is the biological child of the deployed service member, OR
    • 3) a copy of DEERS/MilConnect Service Member profile page with child listed as the service member’s dependent. 
  • Documentation of the activity’s cost that includes the name of the organization, such as a flyer, brochure, screenshot of website, or a typed letter from the organization on their letterhead which clearly states the cost of the program. Handwritten fees will not be accepted.  
    • Grant requests for tutoring services or private lessons provided by an individual must include a copy of the instructor’s teaching certificate or license.
    • *Please note that grant checks will be made out to organizations, not individuals.

Combat Injured Veteran Families

For our Combat Injured Program (CIP), each eligible child may receive one grant every six (6) months, for a maximum of four (4) grants per child, with an additional fifth (5th) Flexible Extra (FLEX) grant available at any time during the military parent's recovery. Each grant requires a separate application.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The child or teen is ages 1 to 18 OR not yet a high school graduate.
  • Service Member/Veteran has sustained combat-related wounds, illness, or injuries while deployed in support of any post-9/11 overseas contingency operation.
  • Service Member/Veteran has one individual VA disability rating of 30% or more (not combined) in one of the following categories: burns, amputation, mental health, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, or one of the presumptive conditions outlined in the PACT Act.
  • Service Member/Veteran is actively receiving treatment for injuries or illnesses and has a case manager or medical/mental health provider who is able to certify the above information in writing. Use our Treatment Letter Template.

Required Documents (upload with application):

  • One of four forms of child identification – either:
    • 1) A copy of the completed Form 1172, Application for Uniformed Services Identification (DEERS Form), OR
    • 2) A copy of the child’s birth certificate if he/she is the biological child of the service member or Veteran, OR
    • 3) A copy of DEERS/MilConnect Service Member profile page with child listed as the service member’s dependent OR
    • 4) A screenshot of an eBenefits profile showing Veteran’s name and list of dependents.
  •  Documentation of the activity’s cost that includes the name of the organization, such as a flyer, brochure, website screenshot, or a typed letter from the organization on their letterhead which clearly states the cost of the program. Handwritten fees will not be accepted.
  • Grant requests for tutoring services or private lessons provided by an individual must include a copy of the instructor’s teaching certificate or license.
    • *Please note that grant checks will be made out to organizations, not individuals.

For Veterans:

  • A letter from a case manager or medical practitioner certifying the service member or Veteran meets all the criteria for Combat Injured Program and is receiving treatment. You can use our Treatment Letter Template.
  • A copy of the Form DD214 and VA paperwork showing disability ratings breakdown.

For actively serving military personnel: 

  • A letter from a case manager certifying the service member meets all Combat Injured Program criteria and is receiving treatment. 
  • The most recent copy of the service member’s military orders moving them into a Soldier Recovery Unit (SRU) or medical hold.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the eligibility requirements for a grant?
    • The child/teen is age 1-18 OR not yet a high school graduate.
    • The child's parent is currently deployed overseas or activated stateside (not including AGR assignments or training) with the National Guard or Reserve for at least 90 days, OR is a Veteran who sustained combat-related wounds, illness, or injuries during a post 9/11 overseas contingency operation and is currently undergoing treatment, with one VA individual disability rating of at least 30% or more in one of the categories of TBI, PTSD, amputation, spinal cord injury, burns, mental health, or one of the presumptive conditions outlined in the PACT Act.
    • You are able to provide all required documentation, as listed on the application (linked above). For the Combat-Injured Program, a letter from a VA case manager certifying the Veteran meets all the criteria for our program and is still receiving treatment is required. You can use our case manager letter template HERE.
  • How will the grant payment be received?
    • Once approved, a grant award packet will be sent to your home address. This packet includes special recognition for the child, as well as the grant check, which is made payable to the activity organization. You may then hand-deliver the check to the organization. If you made an early payment to reserve your child’s spot, you may then request reimbursement from the organization.
  • What is the maximum grant award my child can receive?
    • Each grant funds a maximum of $300 per child, per activity.
    • An additional $300 activity grant per child is available for 180+ day NGR deployments!
  • Can a grant pay for academic tuition, religious trips, or child care?
    • No; we only fund extracurricular activities such as fine arts, tutoring, sports, and camp.
  • Are children of active component service members eligible for a grant?
    • No. Our program currently focuses on serving the families of deployed National Guard and Reservists, who often live away from military communities and leave behind civilian jobs when they deploy overseas.
  • Can a grant check be made payable to a family member?
    • No, for security reasons we only approve grant payments to non-family members, unless you are applying for an online enrichment activity. If so, we require a paid invoice as part of the application documentation, and the grant check will be made out to the name on the credit card statement.
  • How soon can I apply for another grant?
    • For our Deployed or Stateside Activated NGR Program:
      • 80-179 Day Orders: You may apply for one (1) grant per child, per deployment.
      • 180+ Day Orders: You may apply for two (2) grants per child, per deployment. Each $300 grant requires its own application.
  • For our Combat-Injured Program:
    • You may apply every six (6) months for a new grant that may be used for the same or different activities, up to four (4) times per child. We also offer an additional fifth (5th) FLEX grant available at any time during the military parent's recovery, so you would not need to wait the typical six months to re-apply.
    • Required for Eligibility: A letter from a VA case manager certifying the Veteran meets all the criteria for our program and is still receiving treatment.

Any other questions? Please reach out to us at: OMKinquiry@ourmilitarykids.org


Our Military Kids provides grants for all kinds of sports, fine and performing arts, camps, tutoring, driver's education, high school band trips, STEM programs, and more! The only activities we cannot cover are child care, school tuition, or religious mission trips.

Youth Sports


Fine Arts


STEM Programs



