The Pure Challenge – Week 4
This week is Week 4 of Pure Barre McLean’s Weekly Mini Goals May Series! Week 3: May 22nd – May 30th Nutrition Goal: Don’t skip breakfast and cut back on added sugars. Fitness Goal: Workout 7 days this week (even if it is just for 20 minutes!) Don’t skip breakfast and cut back on added sugars. Many breakfast items have high amounts of hidden sugar including smoothies, cereal, and flavored oatmeal which may not be the best way to start your family’s day out on the right foot! It is recommended adults get no more than 9 teaspoons of sugar a day while the average person consumes around 26 teaspoons. There is 4 grams of sugar per teaspoon, remember this important fact when looking at nutrition labels. Try alternate breakfast options like unsweetened oatmeal, plain yogurt with natural sugars from fruit or eggs. All easy and healthy options your family will love! Workout every day this week! Try walking for at least 20 minutes each day and bring the whole family along if you can. Maybe walk to your errands instead of driving or park a little further away in a parking lot to get a few extra steps in. Every little bit counts!