The British Car Run Eclipses Previous Fundraising Record
A $329 grant opened the door for 11-year-old Connor to attend Boy Scout camp in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, this summer. Camp was more than a chance to swim, cook and play. It was an opportunity to be a care-free kid while his dad was on a 189-day deployment.
In October 2017, the D.C.-area America’s British Reliability Run raised more than $55,000 for grants to military children like Connor. These funds mean 125 or more children will be able to participate in scouts, dance, soccer, tae kwon do and more.
“Supporting Our Military Kids was a wonderful way to show my gratitude to the Reserves and the National Guard and their families,” says ABRR driver Richard Ryan. A retired 23-year Navy Reservist, Ryan fully understands the toll on military families the last 15 years of engagement has taken.
This reliability run, organized by Jeff Olson with the help of seven other volunteers, was the first of its kind in the D.C. area. The 30 teams of this run eclipsed all previous fundraising records of any other American run, raising three times the previous record.
Olson and seven volunteers spent almost 10 days driving and planning the route. The route ended up as a clover-leaf design, which allowed drivers to participate in just one or two days of the run. This meant more teams were able to participate and more funds to be donated to Our Military Kids.
The reliability-run teams are still accepting donations. Support a team today. You can specify the name of the team you want to support by typing it in the designation section.
See the D.C.-area America’s British Reliability Run website: