McLean, Virginia 一 Our Military Kids is proud to announce that Kara Dallman, a U.S. Navy Veteran and experienced nonprofit professional, has been appointed as the organization’s Executive Director.

Dallman, a retired Navy Veteran and military spouse of 20 years, has a wealth of personal and professional experience serving military families. Dallman spent more than 13 years working with the San Diego-based military nonprofit United Through Reading, most recently as Executive Vice President of Advancement and Strategic Alliances. You can see Kara’s full profile HERE.
“We are confident Kara is the right leader to ensure Our Military Kids’ future growth. She and her team are ensuring military children receive grants for extracurricular activities when their Guard or Reserve parent is deployed or their parent is recovering from severe injury, all of which is even more critical in the COVID-19 environment,” said Barry Miller, Chairman of Our Military Kids’ Board of Directors. “Kara is a strong believer in collaboration and has a proven track record of working together with donors, industry professionals, and other nonprofit organizations to make everyone stronger.”
Dallman holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of the Holy Cross, where she was commissioned through Navy ROTC; a Master of Business Administration from San Diego State University’s Fowler College of Business; and a Nonprofit Management Executive Certificate from Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy.
Dallman and her husband, Captain Pete Dallman, USN (Ret), have two adult children who define themselves with pride as having grown up as military kids.
About Our Military Kids
Our Military Kids, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit providing substantial support to children of deployed National Guard and Military Reserve service members and to children of wounded warriors from all active and reserve military branches. For more information, please visit www.ourmilitarykids.org or contact Michelle Criqui at mccriqui@ourmilitarykids.org.