EmmaJane, Courageous Kids Contest U.S. Air National Guard Winner

EmmaJane, 8, was selected as OMK's Courageous Kids Contest winner in the U.S. Air National Guard category! EmmaJane is the child of a U.S. Air National Guard service member who served on deployment in 2023.
"EmmaJane is not only resilient, but she is a rock for little brother, kids at school, and others in the community," said her father, a U.S. Air National Guardsman.
"She is one of the most thoughtful and caring people you'll ever meet with a heart of gold. She also has my spirit — she doesn't settle for less than her best, but doesn't put others down to get there. Instead, she will make sure that others succeed along with her.
While my deployment was difficult and sad for her, she remained strong. She made it a point to keep track of where I was and how long until I got home. Before Christmas she helped organize a project at her school where the students collected and brought in fake plants to send to me and our troops since we were in the desert and never got to see green. They sent these along with cards for me to hand out all around the base.
Her class was also able to have me do a live stream into their classroom where EmmaJane wiped away tears and shared with the class what it is like to be a military child. Even the teachers at the school have commented on how strong she is! Every time she got down about me being away, she instead thought about something fun we could do when I returned.
EmmaJane was selected for Student of the Month at her elementary school twice when I was deployed — first for the character trait of "Gratitude" and second for the trait of "Honesty." She also makes sure every kid at school has a friend, and if they don't she "adopts" them into her circle of friends.
Just as important, she has been there for her little brother Simon (5). She takes her role of big sister seriously and did everything she could to cheer him up when he was down about the deployment."

"When she was just four years old, EmmaJane began to ask questions about why some people don't have a home. She then asked if we could help them out and give them a home. We decided to make this a teachable moment and a lifelong project dedicated to serving others and sharing the blessings God has given to us. So we made a pact that we would raise money and when we had enough we would build a tiny house to be given away to someone in need.
EmmaJane's Tiny House Project was born. The project started with simple fundraisers like a lemonade stand, yard sale, and other similar things. As she grows so does the project and her imagination for new ways to raise money. This past year she developed, printed, and sold greeting cards that she designed with all proceeds going towards the project. Our hope is to be able to fully fund and build a home by the time she graduates high school."