Our Military Kids is proud to share the following resources with military families:

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans. https://www.legion.org/
The Armed Services YMCA enhances the lives of military members and their families in spirit, mind, and body through programs relevant to the unique challenges of military life. https://www.asymca.org/
The Association of the United States Army is a nonprofit educational and professional development association serving America’s Total Army, our Soldiers, Army civilians, and their families; our industry partners, and supporters of a strong national defense. AUSA provides a voice for the Army, supports the Soldier, and honors those who have served in order to advance the security of the nation. ausa.org
Blue Star Families is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening America’s military families through community building. Visit their website to access free resources. https://bluestarfam.org/
Cohen Veterans Network provides high-quality and accessible behavioral health through our national network of Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinics. We provide care to Veterans, their families, the families of active duty service members, and caregivers. Our services are available to any person who has served in the U.S. Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves, regardless of role or discharge status. Click here for clinic locations: https://www.cohenveteransnetwork.org/clinics/
The Association of Defense Communities (ADC), Blue Star Families, and participants of the White Oak Collaborative have joined forces to create the COVID-19 Military Support Initiative (CMSI)—a united, national platform to provide resources and expertise to support communities, states, and military families through this crisis. Ultimately, the mission of the CMSI is to share information, maintain engagement, and develop best practices and policy approaches to ensure our military receives the support it deserves. https://covid19militarysupport.org/
The Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund, Inc. provides emotional, educational and financial support to help US service member’s dependents who have lost a parent or have a severely disabled parent who served in the Gulf, Iraq and/or Afghanistan wars as well as college scholarships for the disabled veteran. https://www.cfsrf.org/

Dreams for Veterans honors our veterans’ service by fulfilling their final Dreams, providing them, their families and caregivers inspiration, comfort and closure at the end of life. Dream recipients are U.S. military veterans, active service members, and members of the Reserve and National Guard. Dreams not only serve veterans, but also bring comfort and peace to their loved ones and caregivers. Dreams play a critical role in the special end-of-life care that focuses on improving quality of life for veterans and their families.
Learn more about Dreams for Veterans program: https://www.dreamsforveterans.org/
DFV application: https://www.dreamsforveterans.org/application/
The Elizabeth Dole Foundation is the preeminent organization empowering, supporting, and honoring our nation’s 5.5 million military caregivers – the spouses, parents, family members, and friends — who care for America’s wounded, ill, or injured service members and veterans at home. Founded by Senator Elizabeth Dole in 2012, the Foundation adopts a comprehensive approach in its support and advocacy, working with leaders in the public, private, nonprofit, and faith communities to recognize military caregivers’ service and promote their well-being. The Foundation’s Hidden Heroes Campaign brings vital attention to the untold stories of military caregivers and provides a network for military caregivers to connect with their peers and access carefully vetted resources. Visit hiddenheroes.org for more information.
Families of the Wounded Fund raises money and gives 100% of it to the families of combat-wounded service members. They provide money to the families and caregivers to use as they see fit to meet needs such as lodging, meals, transportation, healthcare, child care, and other expenses. https://www.fotwf.org/
Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military & Veteran families can stay free of charge while a loved one is in the hospital. These homes are located at military and VA medical centers around the world. fisherhouse.org
Military members and veterans may qualify for a variety of military pay, retirement pay, and military and retirement benefits, depending on their time in service. Military.com has retirement pay charts and active duty pay charts, details on Veteran benefits. military.com
The mission of the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is to ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation. During this especially difficult time, MCEC is here with additional support helping students, parents, and educators navigate change. Taking what we’ve learned from over 20 years of helping military kids and their families successfully manage transition and mobility issues, we have culled COVID-19 supportive content and resources for parents, educators, and students. We hope you will use the content and resources here to inspire and renew a sense of hope and wellbeing in your life and the lives of those in your care. Militarychild.org
Life for military kids is full of ups and downs. From adventure and unique experiences, to frequent moves and family adjustments – you may face challenges that your friends at school don’t know anything about. Making connections with other military kids can help you build resilience and find friends who understand your life. https://militarykidsconnect.health.mil/
Military OneSource is Department of Defense-funded resource for active-duty service members, National Guard and reserves, recently separated service members, military families and survivors. For tax services, spouse employment consultation, education consultation, relocation and deployment tools, caregiver resources and much more, please visit: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/
Since 1969, the National Military Family Association has worked to strengthen and protect millions of families through its advocacy and programs. They provide spouse scholarships, camps for military kids, and retreats for families reconnecting after deployment and for the families of the wounded, ill, or injured. NMFA serves the families of currently serving, veteran, retired, wounded or fallen members of the eight uniformed services. Militaryfamily.org
National Park Trust (NPT), established in 1983, is a land conservancy and environmental education nonprofit dedicated to preserving parks today and creating park stewards for tomorrow. We identify key land acquisition projects that benefit our national parks. We also connect kids to these unique, iconic places – because kids need parks and parks need kids. Please check out the Buddy Bison School Program and request a Buddy Bison for your military kids. parktrust.org/buddy-bison-program/about-buddy-bison/
Operation Homefront’s mission is to build strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive, not simply struggle to get by, in the communities — OUR communities — they have worked so hard to protect. Through our highly regarded Critical Financial Assistance program, we will continue to help this special group of our fellow citizens pay for their rent/mortgage payments, grocery/utility bills, home/car repairs, and a variety of other bills during this national crisis and would encourage all needing help to go to our website to apply. Over the last 15 years, the Operation has helped more than 3,500 caregivers who provide care and support to injured or disabled servicemembers and veterans. operationhomefront.org
Semper Fi Fund is dedicated to providing urgently needed resources and support for combat wounded, critically ill, and catastrophically injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families. semperfifund.org
Sesame Workshop launched the Caring for Each Other initiative—a commitment to supporting families throughout the COVID-19 crisis. The initiative’s landing page, SesameStreet.org/caring is home to resources designed to provide comfort, manage anxiety, and foster learning at home. Another piece of this initiative — created especially with providers and caregivers in mind: Health Emergencies, is a new topic page on Sesame Street in Communities. sesamestreetformilitaryfamilies.org
TAPS offers compassionate care and resources to all those grieving the loss of a military loved one. Since 1994, TAPS has provided comfort and hope 24/7 through a national peer support network and connection to grief resources, all at no cost to surviving families and loved ones. taps.org
The Enlisted is a Congressionally-chartered Veterans Service Organization representing veterans, retirees, active duty service members as well as those serving in Guard and Reserve Components. TREA’s primary focus is advocacy before Congress, the White House, DOD, and VA to assure that the benefits and services earned are protected and improved. trea.org
Tutor.com for U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, is a program that provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help AT NO COST to eligible service members, civilian personnel, and their dependents. With live, expert tutors available 24/7, military-connected students can receive academic help at their moment of need—anywhere they have an internet connection. https://military.tutor.com/home
United Through Reading connects military families who are separated —for deployment or military assignment—by providing the bonding experience of shared storytime. Their FREE and secure app is open to active duty service members, veterans, and their families. Plus, you can order a complimentary book from their website! unitedthroughreading.org/service-members/recording-locations/app/
Wounded Warrior Project is transforming the way America’s injured veterans are empowered, employed, and engaged in our communities. Since 2003, we’ve been tireless advocates for our nation’s finest, improving the lives of millions of warriors and their families. Warriors never pay a penny for our programs – because they paid their dues on the battlefield. Our FREE services in mental health, career counseling, and long-term rehabilitative care change lives. We’re committed to helping injured veterans achieve their highest ambitions. When they’re ready to start their next mission, we stand ready to serve. www.woundedwarriorproject.org